Bridges to Excellence Leadership Development Coaching
with Karen Stabile, Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach
People rarely see the tremendous value they have to offer. Underneath, most feel like imposters. Everyone else seems significantly more qualified.
So, how do we see our true value? Our full potential as a leader?

Discover the Truth About You
"The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give it away." Picasso

More of who you are
gives you confidence.
Clarity happens taking a closer look at "who you already are and defining what you have to work with."
Establishing more of your being enables you to over-come challenges, circumstances, and roadblocks that want to hold you back and keep you doubting yourself. We can't freely give away what we don't own, know, or greatly appreciate about ourselves.
It's a way to develop your potential, using your innate wiring and the best fit for you personally. All of a sudden, the playing field is leveled, and you win more and more each time.
Developing more of who you already are just makes sense. Success doesn't happen because we are pretending to be someone else.
Using your full potential
gives you the clarity, you are after.
Are there times you feel lone-liness and confusion presses on your soul? Is your con-fidence not quite what it used to be? Are you a bit worn out and overwhelmed? Is what you are doing, not mattering as much as it used to matter?
These feelings and emotions are a part of what every great leader has felt at times. I'm a coach who likes to help you whittle away at what is no longer working and help you see what is your best way to approach your relationships, how you do things, and how you influence others best.
Your greatest leading comes from the freedom to function how you were designed. Success happens in using the details about you, down to the pixels...the truth about YOU!
Outcomes that move you in the direction you want to go.
Connecting to more of "who you are" and "how you best do things," the "what that you want to be doing NOW" --falls into place.
The direction you need to move into is clear and opportunities expand life, because you know more of the truth about you. You no longer feel like an imposter moving forward. You no longer doubt that you were born for this great thing you want to make happen.
I want for you, the very thing I want for all my clients...a life where you are using all that you have to the fullest! You can live a better life, making a profound difference in the lives of those you influence.
Use the button below to set up a free call. Just 20 minutes is all we need!